


Over the years I have witnessed the transformation of multinational corporations’ China recruiting strategies. It came a long way, evolving from expatriates to third country nationals to locals.  With my latest position with executive search industry in China, I was impressed with the professionals I came in contact with and the strong capabilities and sophistication of those “home-grown” business leaders and how far they have come.  Currently, most director- level positions are staffed with local talent and few have even broken into executive ranks such as country manager and/or BU heads with P/L responsibilities. 

While this is tremendous progress since my first China assignment in 1996, experienced business leaders are sensing “trouble” brewing in recruiting, developing and retaining top local talent in China.  On the other hand, many of the indigenous grown (those w/o overseas education and work experience) managers are also feeling frustrated about the future growth of their careers within multinational corporations (MNCs).  





Talent Shortage in China 

Many have discussed the current shortage of both skilled and unskilled labor pools in China especially managerial talent among MNCs.  Some of the hard hit regions are coastal economic and manufacture centers such as Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen where demand outstrip supply.  

The combination of booming economy and hot job market means that companies are struggling to keep their best employees engaged and onboard.  The hiring challenge is only the beginning, the more difficult problems to address include understanding those professional’s developing needs, refine their leadership skills and retain them for a period of time.  

To properly address the issue, we need to dig into root of the problem as they reside at both “supply” and “demand” sides    




Challenges facing local talents 

I would first like to define the term of “local talent” which means those professionals without overseas education and especially, work experience. 

Compared with their colleagues who have overseas experience, I feel local talent are facing challenges in the following five categories: 

1 传统文化遗留的影响 


Culture Heritage 

Many of China’s home grown professionals are lacking the mindset to adopt western working practices.  Many of them, despite good paper qualifications and English-language skills, are often cautious about taking the initiative.  At the same time, their individualism and competitive nature have made it harder for them to be natural team players. Adding to the situation is China’s one child policy and the country’s educational system.  Both has also exacerbated the situation towards team work and taking initiatives. 

2 管理实践与培训 

那些业务根基扎实管理经历丰富的本土管理者能够正确理解“实战管理经验”(“hands-on” management) 的定义 ,认为管理着重强调的是将组织里不同级别的个体聚合为一个可靠的团队,时刻密切关注团队各方面的情况,以确保所有指令都得到正确执行;但与西方传统管理学观念不同之处在于, 他们不太重视合理架构的作用也不太懂得如何建立一个合理的架构。正因为这个原因, 许多欧美公司集团管理层, 特别是那些不太了解和没有中国“实战管理”经验的管理者们普遍认为中国式管理透明度不足。我曾碰到过类似企业中的一些朋友,他们担任各公司高管职位、在业务上非常成功,却因为企业管理中的这些矛盾最终离开自己的岗位。 

Management Practice & Training  

Those who have deep roots in China business understand the concept of “hands-on” management where stronger emphasis on putting together a trusted team (”eyes and ears”) at every level of the organization to ensure all directions are followed properly.   This approach is different from those who had western business training, who believe in governing by both people and an effective organizational structure. The local China approach can be construed by people at the corporate level (those w/o deep understanding of the regional business environment) as lack of transparency.  I have encountered several high level and highly successful executives who have been reassigned due to this issue. 

3 全球视角 


Global Perspective 

Most of the home grown managers tend to have strong tactical skills within the China market.  Using government relations management as an example, most of the regional/country government relations managers tend to focus their efforts on executing strategies such as developing relationships with government officials, monitoring & reporting regulation changes, etc.  All these effort are extremely important in supporting a company’s daily operation.  However, China’s government relations efforts, for the most part, are calling for creating opportunities instead of merely take advantage of opportunities.  This challenges local managers creative skills in planning, developing (instead of merely executing) programs.  It also calls for local managers to actively participate and contribute to the corporation’s global government relations strategy planning process. 

4 沟通方式与企业文化 


Communication style and Cultural fit 

English is the language of choice among multinationals doing business in China.  While most of local Chinese managers are very fluent in the English language, a lot of them still have a fairly heavy accent as compared with their overseas colleagues.  This is important and a major hurdle for local managers, as most of the key positions require abilities to “manage up”; that is, to influence decision makers at the higher corporate level as Chinese tradition of communicating with superiors emphasizes respect NOT influence and/or challenge.  Adding to the factor of lack of common bond due differences in culture background, it makes home grown managers less effective within a corporate setting. 

5 国际竞争 

中国作为高速发展的经济体已经成为全球经济的中心。 很多跨国公司视中国为重要的战略市场并将中国当作下一代全球领导人的培养基地。这样一来,很多国内职位都可以吸引全球人才,客观上加重了本土人才的竞争压力;许多本土人才甚至来自周边国家和国家的 (3rd country Nationals)管理人才的压力,这些人普遍具有更强的行业及企业管理背景,但缺乏必要的市场知识和当地关系。 

Global Competition 

China is the fastest growing economy and has become the center of global commerce.  Many multinational companies are viewing China as a strategic market and therefore, training ground for the next generation of global leaders.  Under this condition, many China positions have attracted global talent which will add pressure to local talent.  Many local Chinese talents are also felt pressure from 3rd country national executives which possess stronger industry and corporate background, but not necessarily market knowledge and local relationships. 


Challenges facing MNCs 



Rise of the domestic economy 

Market has changed in a way that western based (U.S. & EU) MNCs are no longer the sole employer of choice in China.  As the China’s domestic economy continues to grow, more and more top local talents are leaning towards choosing State Owned Companies (SOEs) and established domestic Chinese corporations over western based MNCs in China.  Among many factors, stability, familiar environment and career growth potential have contributed to the major shift in their decisions.   



Development and Retention issues  

Although some companies in China do currently train and promote managers from entry-level positions, the process is time-consuming. Moreover, most of the organizational development (OD) and training system and process are still at infant stage among MNCs’ regional operations and OD talent itself is scarce in China. The problem is all the worse because of fierce competition and a limited supply of talent are resulting in high turnover rates. According to research conducted by the HR consulting firm Hewitt Associates, MNCs operating in China are experiencing annual turnover rate between 10% to 30%  



Cost of recruiting and retaining top talents 

As companies compete for the best workers, pay and benefits are soaring. A Chinese director level position commands the same even higher annual cash compensation comparing their counterparts overseas in the US.  It is remarkable considering the per capita GDP differences between the two countries.  On the development and retention side, compensation is only one of the motivating factors for both employees and candidates.  Other key areas of consideration are:   






Job content & responsibilities  

Career path development and training opportunities 

Chemistry with his/her managers & team 

Company’s reputation, size and strength 

Work place condition & environment 


The key Challenge in developing a company culture of motivating and retaining high performing employees reside not only on the knowledge and leadership from HR managers, rather, P/L leadership within the organization. 


Recommendations for MNCs 


China has become strategic market for many multinational organizations.  Those organizations with a long-term vision for the market should put recruiting, developing and retaining top talent as their top priority.  Some of the recommendations are as follow: 







Provide clear career path for local talents to senior management positions 

Develop corporate pride by creating emotional attachment for the work place 

Provide rotational programs for high performing employees 

Conduct frequent market survey on fair compensation for all levels of positions 

Develop and maintain a consistent, transparent performance evaluation and compensations structure 

Create challenging work environment and unique project opportunities to provoke job excitement and satisfaction. 

最后,在中国的跨国企业应该主动向以往的消极思维模式 (不懂中国文化和无法以因地制宜的激励本土人才)挑战。 

In the end, MNCs operating in china should challenge the negative paradigm perceived that “companies do not understand the Chinese culture, so they do not try to “entice” local talents to stay, be more productive, etc., by using rewards that are important to the locals.”    




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