By Luo Jian
Published: 2007-12-03


Each household in the Xihaigu region built their own cistern to trap rainwater, which is rare and precious.

Both men and women leave the villages in the Xihaigu region for distant places in search of employment, with the children often left in the care of their grandparents.

The murky water kept outdoors is used for household chores, but in desperate times, it is also life-saving drinking water.

Every kid goes to school armed with a bottle of drinking water, the purity level of which is an indication of a family's economic status.


(Since 2004, EO's senior photographer Luo Jian has been working on “China Corner”, a photo project that focuses on overlooked communities impacted by China's urbanization process. Different themes under this project will be featured in Photo Essay once a week. Luo is a graduate from the China News Academy.)

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