Disputes, Untruths and Transfer Payments
Our first piece, Cash-starved Local Governments Seek Funds, described the problems facing some provincial officials as they struggle to pay bills while revenue from the real estate sector shrinks. For more information
All Unclear for Pilot Local Government Bond Scheme
In All Unclear for Pilot Local Government Bond Scheme, we look at how a potential new source of revenue isn't yet a panacea for cash-strapped local governments.
Planners' Helpful Underestimates
Planners' Helpful Underestimates examines how local governments can escape the spending edicts of Beijing by submitting revenue and spending forecasts that turn out to be far less than the year-end amounts.
Beijing Specifies Use of Local Governments’ Proceeds from Land Sales
Beijing Specifies Use of Local Governments' Proceeds from Land Sales, describes how the central government is taking a bigger interest in the way that provinces allocate revenue from the sale of long-term land leases, which has been their main source of funding, and hitherto, gave them a degree of independence despite Beijing's growing share of the nation's tax receipts.
Transfer Payments – is the East Paying the West’s Bills?
The concluding story, Transfer Payments – is the East Paying the West's Bills? asks whether the prosperous coastal regions get a raw deal from Beijing's reallocation of fiscal revenues to poorer western provinces.