Yum's Offer for Little Sheep Approved 2011-11-8

The EO's bilingual podcast is produced every working day and normally goes online at about 5pm in the afternoon. The first 10 or so news items are in Chinese and they are followed by two or three items read in English by the staff of the EO's English department. Click on the player to your left to listen to this episode

 1. Yum's Offer for Little Sheep Approved

Yum! Brands Inc., owner of the KFC and Pizza Hut fast-food chains, won Chinese approval to buy Mongolian hot-pot chain Little Sheep Group Ltd. to extend its lead as the nation's biggest restaurant operator.
Shares in Little Sheep on the Hong Kong exchange jumped on the news.
China's Ministry of Commerce cleared the proposal yesterday after a precondition was met, Little Sheep said in a statement today.

Yum! Brands Inc., owner of the KFC and Pizza Hut fast-food chains, won Chinese approval to buy Mongolian hot-pot chain Little Sheep Group Ltd. to extend its lead as the nation's biggest restaurant operator.

Shares in Little Sheep on the Hong Kong exchange jumped on the news.

China's Ministry of Commerce cleared the proposal yesterday after a precondition was met, Little Sheep said in a statement today.

 2. Chinese Boats to Monitor Security on the Mekong

The governments of China, Laos, Burma and Thailand, are trying to agree on a new system to guarantee the safety of commercial vessels operating on the Mekong river. Fang Youguo, general secretary of the Lantsang ship-owners' association, said that China has commandeered five commercial to be used on patrols, and that the operation will require 1,000 people. Shipping has been suspended on the Chinese side of the Mekong since the Oct. 5 attack, and the government hopes to reopen traffic on the river on Nov 25.

3. Ministry of Railways Denies Seeking 800 Billion Yuan

The Ministry of Railways on Monday denied an EO report that it is appealing to the government for 800 billion yuan in loans and support. The ministry said it hadn't applied to the government for 400 billion yuan in support and the right to issue bonds worth 400 billion yuan. It also contradicted the EO’s claim that it had interviewed someone from the ministry’s financial department and said that, in fact, the media had been briefed several days previous on the railway’s funding needs.

Yum! Brands Inc., owner of the KFC and Pizza Hut fast-food chains, won Chinese approval to buy Mongolian hot-pot chain Little Sheep Group Ltd. to extend its lead as the nation's biggest restaurant operator.Shares in Little Sheep on the Hong Kong exchange jumped on the news.China's Ministry of Commerce cleared the proposal yesterday after a precondition was met, Little Sheep said in a statement today.


今天的热点新闻有:温家宝在俄罗斯圣彼得堡出席了上海合作组织成员国总理第十次会议,他就加强上合组织务实合作提出9点建议;中国商务部已批准百胜集团提出全面收购小肥羊的反垄断审批;克林顿出书给奥巴马“上课”, 称其有两大失误。



 2尚福林履新后首次公开亮相 强调支持小微企业





小肥羊11月8日表示,中国商务部已批准百胜集团提出全面收购小肥羊的反垄断审批。此距离小肥羊称商务部延长审批不到一个月时间。小肥羊作为以蒙古风味火锅为号召的餐饮业者,今年5月宣布获得百胜集团以每股6.50港元收购并将私有化。百胜集团拥有肯德基、必胜客(Pizza Hut)以及Taco Bell等美式速食品牌。


 5、巴菲特神话褪色 衍生品投机亏损16亿美元 

环球资本市场随着欧债危机大起大落,也让近期的投资者谈“衍生品”色变。“股神”沃伦·巴菲特的投资旗舰 伯克希尔·哈撒韦公司在11月4日公布第三季业绩,期内因受衍生金融品损失影响,第三季纯利同比下跌 24%。荷兰合作银行董事黄集恩表示,“相信伯克希尔的衍生品亏损与股票市场的动荡有直接关系。”

 6高晓松今晨零点获释 并未露面更新微博宣布回归

8日凌晨0点,因醉驾被判六个月拘役的高晓松从北京东城区看守所获释。0点15分,沉寂了半年的高晓松微博再度开始更新,他发微博称:“11月8日,立冬,期满,归。184天,最长的半年。大家都好吗?外面蹉跎吗?” 服刑期间,高晓松在狱中读《大英百科全书》、翻译马尔克斯小说的消息一度被多家媒体刊载。自今日凌晨高晓松出狱,持续了半年的高晓松醉驾事件落幕。



 8克林顿出书给奥巴马“上课” 称其有两大失误



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