Unlike the majority of the wanderers at the studio's gate, Li Chenchen has more or less realized his dream. And for this, he didn't become the second Wang Baoqiang, who is probably somewhere bumming around the Beijing Film Studio, or selling sweet potatoes in the countryside, or washing hair at a barber's shop, or standing guard at Beijing's CBD district, or doing martial arts in Shaolin Temple...
Seeing the crowd at the studio's gate, Wang Baoqiang becomes ambivalent. "I really understand them. I want to tell them I have gone through all this. But I'm not sure whether I'm doing something good or bad to them by saying so," he says.
As many of the crowd say, "nobody knows what tomorrow will be like!"
But even Li Xinjun has doubts and grieves when there's no work. Bracing against a chilling gust of Beijing wind, a bleaker Li tells himself, "some of us are here to dream of becoming famous, but some are here just to dream."
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