Cashing in from Online Gamers
Page 32-41
By Yu De, Chi Youlei (Intern)
The online game industry has been one of the biggest parts of China’s IT industry and remains attractive with its fast development and round-the-clock gamers. However it's not a simple money machine. For each success, there are 99 failures.
Fast Biz focuses on leaders of the young generation - Zhou Qiao (周桥) Wu Yahui (吴亚辉) Fan Xiaoning (樊小宁) and Zhang Yang (张艳) - and relates their ups-and-downs in this dynamic industry.
Li Jing(李静): From CCTV Host to Make-Up Retail
Page 44-46
By Liu Xiang, Chen Na (Intern)
From a successful CCTV host to one of the founders of Dongfang Fengxing (东方风行传媒文化有限公司), Li Jing(李静) has made her own programs, including the interview show Chaoji Fangwen, and is now going further into her own business. With investment from Shen Nanpeng (沈南鹏), her online make-up shop LAFASO is growing rapidly and is predicted to reach sales of more than one billion yuan this year, compared with 100 million three years ago. Li tells Fast Biz about LAFASO and she manages it as the same time as running her TV program.
Science Blogger Jishisan (姬十三) Turns Down Advertisers; Starts Business Instead
Page 48-51
By Liu Xiang, Ren Qi (Intern)
Amoung readers of his group blog “songshuhui” (technology squirrel club 科学松鼠会) Ji Xiaohua (嵇晓华), a baby-faced neurobiologist with a super-high IQ and a PhD, is as popular as Sheldon in the American sitcom Big Bang Theory. Ji is famous for his interesting explanations of scientific research and inventions. Hoping to make “the squirrel club” an NGO, Ji turned down some companies offers to advertise on songshuhui, but instead seized the opportunity and founded a new company called Guokr.com. In an interview with Fast Biz, he describes this new company as well as his writing hobby.
The Fight to Become China's Foursquare
Page 54-60
By Liu Xiang, Li Deshangyu, Ren Qi (Intern)
Illustration by Zhao Liang
Design by Yu Jing
Outside the Chinese firewall, users of location-based service Foursquare are shouting “I am here”, but similar companies within China are still trying to out shout each other. Fast Biz looks at several of them - the little red crab of Jiepang (街旁) from American Chinese founder Liu Dawei(刘大卫), the reform from a tourism website of Qieke(切客), the secret weapon “Professor Donkey” location service (驴博士定位平台) of K.ai (开开),sifang.com (玩转四方) and renren.com(人人网)'s SoLoMo model (social, local, mobile)。
Car To Go (车速递):The “Take-Out” Car Rental Company
Page 64-66
By Liu Xiang, Li Deshangyu (Intern)
Photo by Liu Lijie
Design by Yu Jing
With the car rental industry flourishing in China, Cao Hui (曹晖), the founder of Homelink Real Estate (链家地产) is determined to be one of the “minority” winners in this new industry. He has set up a series of “car delivery points” instead of well-decorated shops and offered one fixed price including the rent and insurance, making the process simpler and more transparent.