Life Sentence for Chongqing Hilton Shareholder Upheld

The EO's bilingual podcast is produced every working day and normally goes online at about 5pm in the afternoon. The first 10 or so news items are in Chinese and they are followed by two or three items read in English by the staff of the EO's English department. Click on the player to your left to listen to this episode

 1. Beijing Airport Damaged By Strong Wind

 Last night, a section of the roof of Beijing's Capital International Airport's Terminal 3 was partially blown away by strong winds. Witnesses say that a "whitish-yellow material" was swept up in the wind and blown onto both the airport's runways and through sections of the terminal.

This was the second time since last Decemeber that the terminal's roof has been damaged by strong winds.

Beijing Capital International Airport information centre confirmed that after wind gusts of up to 24m/second were recorded at 6.15pm last night, the airport immediately released a "yellow warning" and introduced contingency measures. A section of the roof from Terminal 3's 'D section' was blown off at around 8.15pm.

The Beijing Times reported that the damage has not had any impact on the safe running of the airport and that airport management has organized maintenance construction teams to carry out emergency repairs.

Some passengers spread reports and images of the accident on to their microblog accounts with many questioning the quality of the terminal's construction.

2.  Life Sentence for Chongqing Hilton Shareholder Upheld

 Chonging's higher people's court yesterday rejected an appeal from Peng Zhimin and 31 other individuals who had been sentenced to prison terms for their involvement in organized crime and various other charges.

 The court upheld a judgement delivered in May 2011 by the city's No. 1 Intermediate People's Court that sentenced Peng Zhimin, the chairman and CEO of Qinglong Wuye Co. Ltd to life in prison on charges of involvement in organized crime, organizing a prostitution ring, lending money at high rates, illegal logging, assault, corruption and bribery.

 Peng, who was also a shareholder in the Chongqing Hilton, was stripped of his political rights for life and had all his possesions confiscated by the court. Twenty six other indivuduals implicated in the case were also sentenced to terms of between 18 months and life imprisonment for participating in gang-related activity and other charges. Another five individuals were sentenced to prison terms ranging from 3 to 10 years and 6 months on charges of accepting bribes. According to the court, from 2003, Peng Zhimin organized for a prostitution ring to start operating from within the Diamond Dynasty nightclub (钻石王朝), located in the basement of the Chongqing Hilton. Peng Zhimin was also involved in the illegal logging of over 71 hectares of protected forestland in order to push ahead with plans to develop the land. The trial of Peng Zhimin and the 31 other accused was held in January this year following a raid on the Chongqing Hilton in June 2010.

 3. Deputy Governor of Central Bank on Macroeconomic Policy

 The deputy governor of China's central bank said yesterday that the government was beginning to see the results of macroeconomic policies that had been implemented in order to rein in rapidly rising prices. Hu Xiaolian made the comments while undertaking an inspection trip focused on the financial and economic affairs of both Shandong and Jilin provinces. Hu was reported as saying that it appeared as if the trend of excessively swift increases in the price of goods had been restrained and that a prudent monetary policy stance will be maintained, though fine-tuning policies should be implemented at the appropriate time.


今日热点新闻:各级政府年底突击花钱,花双倍钱采购;北京楼市十年惊现六折甩卖盘, 向买方市场过渡;美议员提议封杀中国审计机构;

1、调查称各级政府年底突击花钱 花双倍钱采购







2、北京楼市十年惊现六折甩卖盘 向买方市场过渡







4、教育部:我国合格校车比例低 制度出台尚无定论




5、上药集团原总裁被判死缓 被组织调查期间仍索贿







2、“占领华尔街”警戒中退潮 社会不公是动荡根源








1.Beijing Airport Damaged By Strong Wind
Last night, a section of the roof of Beijing's Capital International Airport's Terminal 3 was partially blown away by strong winds. Witnesses say that a "whitish-yellow material" was swept up in the wind and blown onto both the airport's runways and through sections of the terminal. 
This was the second time since last Decemeber that the terminal's roof has been damaged by strong winds.
Beijing Capital International Airport information centre confirmed that after wind gusts of up to 24m/second were recorded at 6.15pm last night, the airport immediately released a "yellow warning" and introduced contingency measures. A section of the roof from Terminal 3's 'D section' was blown off at around 8.15pm.
The Beijing Times reported that the damage has not had any impact on the safe running of the airport and that airport management has organized maintenance construction teams to carry out emergency repairs. 
Some passengers spread reports and images of the accident on to their microblog accounts with many questioning the quality of the terminal's construction. 
2. 重庆希尔顿股东“黑老大”彭治民被判处无期徒刑
Life Sentence for Chongqing Hilton Shareholder Upheld
Chonging's higher people's court yesterday rejected an appeal from Peng Zhimin and 31 other individuals who had been sentenced to prison terms for their involvement in organized crime and various other charges. 
The court upheld a judgement delivered in May 2011 by the city's No. 1 Intermediate People's Court that sentenced Peng Zhimin, the chairman and CEO of Qinglong Wuye Co. Ltd to life in prison on charges of involvement in organized crime, organizing a prostitution ring, lending money at high rates, illegal logging, assault, corruption and bribery.
Peng, who was also a shareholder in the Chongqing Hilton, was stripped of his political rights for life and had all his possesions confiscated by the court. Twenty six other indivuduals implicated in the case were also sentenced to terms of between 18 months and life imprisonment for participating in gang-related activity and other charges. Another five individuals were sentenced to prison terms ranging from 3 to 10 years and 6 months on charges of accepting bribes. According to the court, from 2003, Peng Zhimin organized for a prostitution ring to start operating from within the Diamond Dynasty nightclub (钻石王朝), located in the basement of the Chongqing Hilton. Peng Zhimin was also involved in the illegal logging of over 71 hectares of protected forestland in order to push ahead with plans to develop the land. The trial of Peng Zhimin and the 31 other accused was held in January this year following a raid on the Chongqing Hilton in June 2010.
3. 央行副行长胡晓炼在山东吉林调研时指出物价过快上涨初步遏制
The deputy governor of China's central bank said yesterday that the government was beginning to see the results of macroeconomic policies that had been implemented in order to rein in rapidly rising prices. Hu Xiaolian made the comments while undertaking an inspection trip focused on the financial and economic affairs of both Shandong and Jilin provinces. Hu was reported as saying that it appeared as if the trend of excessively swift increases in the price of goods had been restrained and that a prudent monetary policy stance will be maintained, though fine-tuning policies should be implemented at the appropriate time.


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