33 Countries Block Moon Cakes from Mainland China 2011-09-09

The EO's bilingual podcast is produced every working day and normally goes online at about 5pm in the afternoon. The first 10 or so news items are in Chinese and they are followed by two or three items read in English by the staff of the EO's English department. Click on the player to your right to listen to this episode

1. 33 Countries Block Moon Cakes from Mainland China

According to the Guangdong Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, as of Sept 8, 1,501 tones of moon cakes had been inspected and exported from Guangdong Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, with a total export value of $11.25 million. Although this represents a slight increase over the amount exported last year, the rate of growth of moon cake exports has fallen significantly. There are now 33 countriies that ban the import of moon cakes produced in mainland China, there are also more than 30 countries that place very strict requirements on moon cakes imported from mainland China.

2.China Encourages Foreign Investors to Participate in Reform of SOE

China's minister of Commerce Chen Deming said yesterday that China will encourage foreign companies to participate in the reform and restructuring and of China’s state-owned enterprises. Mr. Chen said that foreign companies could take part in the reform process through merger and acquisitions (M&A), adding that some eligible foreign companies could list on China's domestic stock markets.

3.China's CPI Up 6.2% in August

The National Bureau of Statistics announced earlier today that China's consumer price index (CPI) rose 6.2% year-on-year in August, lower than the pace of growth registered in July when the index rose by 6.5% compared to 12 months earlier. The producer price index (PPI), another measure of inflation at the wholesale level, rose 7.3 percent in Aug year-on-year.

Keep reading below for the Chinese headlines

今日热点新闻: 8月份我国CPI同比上涨6.2%、恒大地产7折内部认购、“卢美美”事件三疑点揭开 世华会属非法组织、京东急于IPO  B2C估值面临挑战、HTC购谷歌9项专利 反诉苹果侵权。

1.  8月份我国CPI同比上涨6.2%


2011年8月份,全国居民消费价格总水平同比上涨6.2%。其中, 8月份食品价格环比上涨0.6%,影响价格总水平上涨约0.19个百分点。鲜菜、鲜果和水产品价格环比降幅分别为0.2%、4.1%和0.7%,合计影响居民消费价格总水平下降约0.09个百分点。

2.   恒大地产7折内部认购



3. “坑爹”也是互害社会的特征



4.“卢美美”事件三疑点揭开 世华会属非法组织




5. 京东急于IPO  B2C估值面临挑战



6.HTC购谷歌9项专利 反诉苹果侵权



7. 奥巴马公布4470亿美元就业计划




8. 33 Countries Block Moon Cakes from Mainland China

According to the Guangdong Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, as of Sept 8, 1,501 tones of moon cakes had been inspected and exported from Guangdong Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, with a total export value of $11.25 million. Although this represents a slight increase over the amount exported last year, the rate of growth of moon cake exports has fallen significantly. There are now 33 countriies that ban the import of moon cakes produced in mainland China, there are also more than 30 countries that place very strict requirements on moon cakes imported from mainland China.

9.China Encourages Foreign Investors to Participate in Reform of SOE

China's minister of Commerce Chen Deming said yesterday that China will encourage foreign companies to participate in the reform and restructuring and of China’s state-owned enterprises. Mr. Chen said that foreign companies could take part in the reform process through merger and acquisitions (M&A), adding that some eligible foreign companies could list on China's domestic stock markets.

10.China's CPI Up 6.2% in August

The National Bureau of Statistics announced earlier today that China's consumer price index (CPI) rose 6.2% year-on-year in August, lower than the pace of growth registered in July when the index rose by 6.5% compared to 12 months earlier. The producer price index (PPI), another measure of inflation at the wholesale level, rose 7.3 percent in Aug year-on-year.

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