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Beijing Taxi Fares to Go Up Next Month?
Summary:Reports say that the current flag fall rate will be lifted from 10 yuan to 15 yuan, and that the fare will rise to 2.4 yuan a kilometer for trips over 3km from the current 2 yuan a kilometer.

March 28, 2012
Translated by Zhang Xiaoxi

There are rumors that Beijing plans to lift taxi fares next month.

Reports say that the current flag fall rate will be lifted from 10 yuan to 15 yuan, and that the fare will rise to 2.4 yuan a kilometer for trips over 3km from the current 2 yuan a kilometer.

The rumors also say that the fuel surcharge, which fluctuates according to the price of gasoline but which is usually 2 or 3 yuan, will remain unchanged.

Reports began to spread yesterday after the city published a plan on reducing traffic congestion which included details about how the capital planned to deal with a recent spike in complaints about the difficulty in getting a cab.

In addition to promoting booking taxis by telephone or online, the plan also mentioned the possibility of adjust the pricing system.

Beijing last lifted taxi fares in May 2006.

Zhang Bin (张彬), a commentator with China National Radio, argued that it was the right time to raise taxi fare.

"People find it hard to get a cab now. If we don't raise the taxi fare, taxi drivers will be more and more reluctant to do business."

Others complained that some people would be priced out of the market and would no longer be able to afford a taxi.

Links and Sources
China National Radio: 传北京打车费下月上涨 评:涨价背后更需良性定价机制

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