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China Poll: Inheritance Tax


China Youth Daily recently engaged a opinion polling website to conduct a survey on the topic of whether China should start collecting an inheritance tax.

Of the 11,203 people surveyed, 48.46% said it's not a good idea to start collect inheritance tax now, 34.04% said China should starting collecting inheritance tax. The remaining 17.51% said they had no idea.

Our Chinese-language sister sister site also conducted a similar poll, of the 100 web users who took part, 55% voted in support of a imposing such a tax while 44% opposed it.

The China Economic Web, the website of the Economic Daily, ran a round up of media responses to the China Youth Daily research which included excerpts from editorials in Xinhua, Guangzhou Daily, Beijing Morning Post and other domestic Chinese media.

Our favorite response was from the Guanzhou Daily which said, "Perhaps it's only by imposing an inheritance tax to the transfer of large amounts of money that China's Buffets will be more willing to give to charity"

Links and Sources

China Youth Online: 民调显示:48.46%被访者不赞同开征富人遗产税
China Economic Web: 8月24日:中国开征遗产税有哪些人在反对

Economic Observer: 要不要征遗产税


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