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Watchdog Orders ConocoPhillips to Stop Drilling and Production at Oil Field


Watchdog Orders ConocoPhillips to Stop Drilling and Production at Oil Field
The State Oceanic Administration (SOE) has ordered ConocoPhillips to halt drilling and production at all the platforms operating in the troubled Penglai 19-3 oilfield. The SOE says that ConocoPhillips has failed to meet the two requirements set by the watchdog late last month - sealing the source of all leaks and a thorough and complete inspection to eliminate the potential risk of another oil spill. The oil spill off North China's Bohai Bay was first detected on June 4 and is reported to be the biggest environmental disaster in the area's history. At least 5,500 square kilometers of sea area had been polluted by August 6th.
Xinhua News Agency
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The State Oceanic Administration (SOE) has ordered ConocoPhillips to halt drilling and production at all the platforms operating in the troubled Penglai 19-3 oilfield. The SOE says that ConocoPhillips has failed to meet the "two completes" set by the watchdog late last month - sealing the source of all leaks and a thorough and complete inspection to eliminate the potential risk of another oil spill. The oil spill off North China's Bohai Bay was first detected on June 4 and is reported to be the biggest environmental disaster in the area's history. At least 5,500 square kilometers of sea had been polluted as of August 6th.

Xinhua News Agency

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