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Beijing to Solve "7th Ring of Rubbish" Problem over Next 5 Years

As part of the Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission's road map to achieving certain policy goals outlined in a "Green Beijing" initiative included in the city's 12th 5 year plan announced yesterday, the city aims to halt annual growth in household waste by 2015. In order to meet this goal of zero-growth in household waste, the city will continue to push ahead with policies that encourage the re-use and recycling of packaging and continue to promote the establishment of garbage sorting pilot projects. The municipal Development and Reform Commission also said that it will construct incineration and biochemical waste treatment facilities that will be able to process 30,000 tons of household waste a day, according to a ratio of 4 parts incinerated, 3 parts treated biochemically and 3 parts buried as landfill. They also plan to build facilities capable of processing 2,900 tons of kitchen waste on a daily basis.

The Beijing News

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