China to Launch Online Rail Ticket Booking System 2011-09-30

The EO's bilingual podcast is produced every working day and normally goes online at about 5pm in the afternoon. The first 10 or so news items are in Chinese and they are followed by two or three items read in English by the staff of the EO's English department. Click on the player to your left to listen to this episode

1. China to Launch Online and Telephone Rail Ticket Booking System 

The Ministry of Railways will extend the online ticket booking system for bullet trains that was finally rolled out to all high-speed train services at the end of September, to all train services operating in the country by the end of the year. The ministry also plans to introduce a telephone booking system for all train services nationwide before the busy "Spring Festival" season in 2012. MOR will expand the online payment options, improve the quality of food offered on trains, seek more feedback from passengers as well as improve facilities for the disabled. 

2. Regional Electricity Shortage Predicted for the Winter

An official from China's Natioanl Energy Administration (NEA) told attendees of a government work conference yesterday that some regions of China may suffer from persistent electricity shortages this Winter and through to the following Spring. The drop off in rainfall in southern China has caused storage in dams that feed the main hydropower stations in the region to drop by between 30 and 40 percent compared with the same period last year.


1、 中国成功发射“天宫一号” 


2、人民日报再谈中国税负 称财政支出三分之二用于民生 


3、房产税明后年可能全国推广 将成长期调控工具

近日,个人住房房产税的全国化进程,开始露出提速的迹象。9月29日,重庆市长黄奇帆在接受路透社中文网的专访时预计,“明后两年房产税可能会在全国推广,并将成为抑制房价上涨的一个长期调控工具。” 但财政部财政科学研究所国有经济研究室主任文宗瑜认为,现在谈房产税的全国化方案还为时过早,因为条件还不够成熟。

4、 卡斯柯称公司信号系统与上海地铁追尾事故无关


5、 温州政府紧急维稳 "跑路"老板不归将严查快办

针对部分企业资金链持续绷紧,不断出现老板“跑路”的现象,温州出台系统性的应对方案。昨天,温州市政府的网站发布了《中共温州市委、温州市人民政府关于稳定规范金融秩序促进经济转型发展的意见》,要求开展企业资金链风险排查,做到 “最大限度消减不稳定因素”。《意见》中称,“对出走的企业主,要敦促其尽快返回,组织处置;对继续回避的,公安、劳动保障等部门要强势介入,严查快办;对恶意欠薪,搞"假倒闭"、"假出走"、"假破产"的,要从严从重处理。企业主管部门、银行业机构、公安机关要相互配合,必要时控制相关人员出境。”



7、 美众议院通过临时拨款法案避免政府关门


8、 日本政府疑未及时发放防辐射药品


9.China to Launch Online and Telephone Ticket Booking System 

The Ministry of Railways will extend the online ticket booking system for bullet trains that was finally rolled out to all high-speed train services at the end of September, to all train services operating in the country by the end of the year. The ministry also plans to introduce a telephone booking system for all train services nationwide before the busy "Spring Festival" season in 2012. MOR will expand the online payment options, improve the quality of food offered on trains, seek more feedback from passengers as well as improve facilities for the disabled. 

10.Regional Electricity Shortage Predicted for the Winter

An official from China's Natioanl Energy Administration (NEA) told attendees of a government work conference yesterday that some regions of China may suffer from persistent electricity shortages this Winter and through to the following Spring. The drop off in rainfall in southern China has caused storage in dams that feed the main hydropower stations in the region to drop by between 30 and 40 percent compared with the same period last year. 

4、 卡斯柯称公司信号系统与上海地铁追尾事故无关

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