Photo: Xinhua
The numbers making news during the week of August 20, 2012
5 to 11 years
Prison terms given to the police officials who helped cover up Neil Heywood’s murder. Economic Observer
19 stories
Distance a 4-year-old Huizhou boy fell from his apartment into a pond, and survived. Nanfang Insider.
8.9 percent
Proportion of China’s population with some college education. Up from 3.6 percent in 2000, but still well below the 36.7 percent proportion in the United States. Wall Street Journal
11 percent
The amount cotton consumption is estimated to decline in 2012. Part of an overall “harsh economic winter” China may be entering. Bloomberg
27 percent
Proportion of urban Chinese women in their late 20s who are still single. Up from 5 percent in 1982. Bloomberg BusinessWeek
The number of KFCs now in Beijing. China Daily
$372 billion
The amount of money China will put into energy conservation projects and anti-pollution projects over the next three-and-a-half years. Reuters
48 years and two weeks
The length of time Myanmar’s media was censored. Officially, this media censorship ended on August 20th. AFP