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China Numbers: Pigs, Oil & Chopsticks

The numbers making news around China during the week of Mar 11, 2013

12.3 percent
Amount retail sales grew in the first two months of the year. It fell below analysts’ expectations and was a sharp decline from the 15.2 percent rise in December. Xinhua

Number of dead pigs found floating in the Huangpu River so far. Pigs have been dying of disease in surrounding villages and dumped by farmers. AP

51 percent
The proportion of women in senior management roles in China this year, according to a study by the accounting firm Grant Thornton. This compares to a global average of 21 percent. Wall Street Journal

80 billion
Number of disposable chopsticks China consumes every year. Huffington Post

Number of officials at the ministerial level or higher who have been placed under investigation for corruption or other job-related crimes over the past five years. Xinhua

90 percent
Proportion of life savings Chinese are willing to spend on their weddings, according to the Chinese branch of The Atlantic

6.12 million
Barrels of oil imported to China each day, according to preliminary figures last week. This would mean China has dethroned the U.S. as the largest net oil importer in the world. Foreign Policy

70 percent
Amount China’s air pollution will increase by 2025 barring any major reforms, according to Deutsche Bank economists. Washington Post


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