Highlights from the December Issue of Fast Biz

Translated by Song ChunlingFast Biz's Top 10 Companies: Leading the Race in 2012?By Huang Haichuan (黄海川)
Page 20-21
Translated by Song Chunling
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As we get set to enter 2012, the EO's
Fast Biz magazine has compiled a list of China's Top 10 Fast Companies - the "dark horses" that had bee galloping along trying to stat ahead of the economic crisis for the last two or three years. Although these companies are hard to spot before they've achieved success, like the hero Jack in the film 2012, these private enterprises are also far-sighted, honest, courageous and are able to act quickly in the face of a crisis.
The EO's Fast Biz magazine began putting together this list with China Financial Consultancy Co., Ltd (中华财务咨询公司), Analysys International (易观国际) and 10 other business schools back in June this year. We initially selected 288 candidate companies active in eight industries and then narrowed this short list down to 80 companies (the top 10 in each industry).
When deciding who made the final cut, we looked at various facets such as the financial health of the enterprise, industry growth, internal control and safety, the quality of its executives and its business model.
We admit the list may not be perfect, and that some of these fast running companies, are face risks and exhibit shortcomings, but nobody's perfect.
Top 10 Fast Companies for 2011E Ren E Ben (壹人壹本): From 0 to 1 Billion
By Ju Xiyan (朱熹妍)
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Although iPad occupies more than half of the tablet market, this Chinese tablet company should not be neglected. Despite selling a product that costs about the same as an iPad or the tablet computers that Samsung produce, Eben has seen revenue grow from 0 to 1 billion yuan over one and a half years. After more than four years of research, Eben was released several months before Apple's iPad was released in the Chinese market.
Lakala (拉卡拉): Do Right Things and Do Things RightBy Liu Rui(刘睿), Yi Xianli(易先礼) (intern)
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Marketing expert Sun Taoran (孙陶然) turned to third party payment and founded Lakala billing service at the begging of 2005. Offering card payment services, Sun found the right solution to satisfy the needs of customers.
Yihaodian.com (一号店): Is this the Online Wal-Mart?By Liu Xiang (刘翔)
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Yu Gang (于刚) gave up his position as vice president of global purchasing for Dell and found Yihaodian in 2007. Three years later, the sales of Yihaodian has risen from 4.16 million yuan to 805 million yuan in 2010, and sales of up to 2.5 billion yuan are expected in 2011. Referring to the secret of his business model, Yu says calmly, "a good customer experience is the guarantee of a market."
Beijing Galloping Horse Film & TV Production Company (小马奔腾)By Liu Xiang (刘翔)
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While Huayi Brothers (华谊) has Feng Xiaogang (冯小刚) and Xinhuamian (新画面) has Zhang Yimou (张艺谋), Galloping Horse also has a number of outstanding film directors and screen writers, including John Woo (吴宇森), Ning Hao (宁浩), Zhang Yibai (张一白) and Ning Caichen (宁财神). As part of the studio's special "First Look" system, all directors signed with the company have the right to choose their own on-going project and direct at least one film every year. Galloping Horse has already produced films including Eternal Moment (将爱), Just Another Pandora's Box (越光宝盒) and Mulan (花木兰).
VANCL.com (凡客诚品): The Most Valuable Thing is CultureBy Zhang Feng (张逢)
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VANCL has caught the young generation not only with its fashionable, comfortable and cheap products, fast delivery and convenient return and exchange, but also with its unique promotion culture. From their use of Han Han's (韩寒) "VANCL Style" (凡客体), to Huang Xiaoming's (黄晓明) "Not At All" (闹太套 nao tai tao) and Li Yuchun (李宇春), all the advertisements of this e-commerce company have managed to catch attention.
360buy.com (京东商城 Jingdong Mall): Growing WildlyBy Wang Shanshan (王珊珊)
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It only took 6 years for Liu Qiangdong (刘强东) to raise Jingdong's sales to more than 10 billion yuan. With the highly efficient supply chain and the strong cost control and powerful IT system, Jingdong is now receiving 150,000 orders every day. There are more than 30,000 types of goods on sales with bargains of 10 to 20 percent and Jingdong's inventory turnover period is just 12 days - much quicker than the average 47-60 days that companies like Gome (国美) and Suning (苏宁) require.
Haidilao (海底捞): Change Destiny With HandsBy Hao Ying (郝英)
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With the customer service that often goes beyond expectations (shoe-polishing anyone?), Haidilao hotpot, which was founded by Zhang Yong in 1971, now has a turnover of more than one billion yuan every year. Haidilao prides itself on offering equal opportunities to all employees and the restaurants managers work their way up from serving as waiters and waitresses.
China PnR Co.(付汇天下): Focus on Fund PaymentBy Liu Rui (刘睿)
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China PnR is not the first company to enter the third party payment industry, but is one of the two companies that have managed to stick it out for a long period. "You need to choose who you are and persist," says the company's founder Zhou Ye (周晔). The secret of China PnR is to find their advantages and focus on a large share of the whole market - fund payments.
Dongfang Shishang (东方时尚) Driving School: Speeding at 100 m/hrBy Liu Xiang (刘翔)
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The huge growth in China's car industry has also pushed the development of the country's driving schools. Dongfang Shishang has gone from being ranked as the 204th driving school in the country to the fast-expanding leader of the industry, Dongfangshishang attracted many students with its high quality training and extended services and it's also been popular with investors.