Economic Feature
- Forty Years of Asian Drama, part I
- EO reporter Li Xiang traces 40 years of economic development in Asia in this two-part series, starting from the time when Asia Drama was penned, predicting a doomed future for the region.
- 7月1日 13:40
- Vietnam's Economic Malaise and Lessons for China, Part II
- Part II of this special focus on the frail Vietnamese economy surveys economists' opinions on lessons learned for China, what it could do to help, and how Chinese enterprises are faring in Vietnam.
- 6月25日 14:08
- Vietnam's Economic Malaise and Lessons for China, Part I
- In a two-part special focus, the EO explores the current economic turbulences in Vietnam and draws comparison with China based on field researches and interviews with experts from both countries.
- 6月24日 18:19
- Hainan: Floating Between Hope and the Past
- The lost jewel of China's southernmost tip, Hainan, is experiencing a second wind of promise after economic reforms 20 years ago failed to deliver.
- 6月17日 16:37
- Satellite Photos of Landslide-Dammed Lakes Show Mounting Danger (part 2)
- Satellite and remote sensing photos show that as of a week ago, landslide-dammed lakes caused after the Sichuan earthquake were rising and submerging villages.
- 5月28日 11:59
- Satellite Photos of Dammed Lakes Shows Mounting Danger in Sichuan
- Satellite photos obtained by the EO show how lakes dammed by landslides in Sichuan are posing a growing threat to populations in areas that could be flooded.
- 5月23日 19:53
- Teams Work to Defuse Water Timebomb in Quake-hit Areas
- While teams work to repair damaged infrastructure and water-projects, evacuation exercises have begun to prepare for flooding if dammed-lakes burst their banks.
- 5月22日 18:24
- Aftershock Panic in Gansu
- Contradictory official statements on whether or not strong aftershock would hit Gansu have left the public hanging in uncertainty.
- 5月20日 17:33
- Wenchuan: the Winds of Grief
- As the county located at the epicenter of the earthquake took a moment from recovery efforts to pay respect to victims, sirens and car horns competed with howlings winds.
- 5月19日 18:27
- Beichuan: Misery Between Mountains
- Field Journal (4) : As the hills threathened to cave in when the frequency of aftershocks increased, rescuers reluctantly left behind a crying child pinned under dead bodies and debris, praying that she would still be alive the next day...
- 5月16日 21:55
- A Trek to the Epicenter
- Field journal (3): EO reporters have trekked over three hours trying to reach Wenchuan, the epicenter of the Monday's 7.8-magnitude earthquake that hit Sichuan province, China.
- 5月14日 14:10
- The Sky Weeps for Sichuan
- Field Journal (2): Hours after the 7.8-magnitude earthquake hit Sichuan, the sky opened up and poured, adding obstacles to the rescue work.
- 5月13日 17:19
- Sichuan Earthquake: Updates from the Field
- Field Journal (1): A 7.8 magnitude quake that struck China's Sichuan province on May 12 has killed 9,000. EO reporters are in the field to provide updates on the disaster.
- 5月13日 13:11
- Fuyang: A Shamed and Wounded City
- The hand-foot-mouth outbreak in Fuyang is only the latest in a string public crises in a city whose name has become synonymous with scandal since 2003.
- 5月8日 16:29
- In The Name of Water
- As water-scarce Beijing intensifies efforts to tap reservoirs in nearby Hebei province in the run up to the Olympic Games, calls for a compensation mechanism also heightened.
- 4月25日 14:54
- The Trial of Xu Ting
- Public pressure has led to the retrial of a youth sentenced to life imprisonment over theft via a faulty ATM. Is the case a victory for people power, and is this necessarily a good thing?
- 4月23日 17:44
- Break on Through to the Other Side
- The market is abuzz with news that the yuan-dollar central parity value breached 7 on April 10. But the long-awaited moment comes after steady appreciation has already significantly impacted Chinese businesses and individuals.
- 4月11日 17:34
- Wenzhou Clansmen Take the Yellow Brick Road Abroad
- Closely-knit business communities from Wenzhou are taking their operations global, setting up markets and gobbling up real estate, natural resources, and other hard assets as they go.
- 4月3日 16:01
- Sovereign Wealth Funds: Shrek or White Knight?
- Though born in the 1950s, state-backed investment funds have only recently galvanized global suspicion. An EO special checks out four of the world's top ten SWFs, including China's CIC.
- 2月27日 16:11
- China Capital Markets Scorecard 2007-08
- An EO special focus breaks down the Chinese capital markets' staggering performance in 2007 and potential for 2008.
- 2月15日 17:57
- NDRC Sets Benchmark Price for
- The new benchmark price is likely to help boost the profitability of photovoltaic projects and encourage more investment...
- Source:经济观察网
- China Shuts Down 583 Lead-acid
- A total of 583 lead-acid battery manufacturing plants have been shut down over recent months as part of a campaign to st...
- Source:BRIEF
- Reluctant Transparency
- Central government departments grudgingly reveal glimpses of spending on cars, overseas tr
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