CPC to Tackle Corruption and Intraparty Democracy
A meeting of the central committee of China's ruling Communist party (CPC) came to a close in Beijing last Friday, with the committee's 204 members agreeing to continue to crack down on corruption within the Party and also to strengthen intraparty democracy.
According to the official communique, the Fourth Plenary Meeting of the CPC Central Committee noted that the party needed to greatly improve its governing capability.
As part of this move, members vowed to stem corruption within the party and announced measures that will require government officials to submit reports detailing their property and investments, including the overseas business dealings of their partners and children. Attention will also be paid to the employment and advancement of the family members of party members.
The meeting also discussed measures designed to promote democracy within the party. According to the communique, the Party plans to improve its internal electoral system and decision-making mechanisms, so as to guarantee the input of all party members.
Most foreign media reports on the meeting focused on the fact that vice president Xi Jinping was not named as a vice chairman of the Central Military Commission. In the lead up to the meeting, it has been rumored that Xi might be promoted to the post, in a move that would confirm his selection as the designated successor to Hu Jintao, who is set to retire as president in 2013.
Members also discussed the current economic situation, warning that although the Chinese economy was slowly recovering, the "foundation of economic recovery is not stable, not solid, not balanced and there are still many uncertain factors in China and internationally."
Links and Sources
CPC: Communique (Chinese)
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