China Poll: Birth Control

By Leslie Walczak
Published: 2010-10-13

Graph: Source of Contraceptive Knowledge (China Population Communication Center and Sohu)

An Internet survey conducted by Sohu last year on behalf of the China Population Communication Center (CPCC) reveals that some Chinese women have a poor understanding of birth control measures. Although 58.5 percent of the 6,928 respondents were capable of choosing necessary birth control methods, only 3 percent of those surveyed responded that they an used oral contraceptive, which is far lower than the developed-nation rate of 30-50 percent.

Cai Zhongxiu, the director of a women's clinic in Qingdao explained that abortion rates have increased among young women, suggesting a lack of knowledge of preemptive birth control. Cai Zhongxiu also notes that roughly 80 percent of women wrongly believe that emergency oral contraceptives are the most effective. In fact, these contraceptives are not effective 100 percent of the time and are harmful to one's health if used frequently.

The CPCC study also found that most respondents rely on the Internet, television, newspapers or magazines for information on birth control methods.

 34% of respondents get their contraceptive information from the Internet
 30% rely on the magazines, television, and newspapers
 26% get their information from friends
 only 10% have obtained information from a doctor

Links and Sources
China News Service: 调查显示:近八成女性不懂如何合理避孕
China Population Communication Center: Results of Survey