October's CPI Rises by 4.4%

By Tang Xiangyang
Published: 2010-11-11

China's CPI has increased by 4.4 percent in October on the level of the same period last year, creating a growth rate 0.8 percentage points higher than that of September, according to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS).

October's CPI is 0.7 percent higher than that of September.

Before the release of October's statistics by the NBS, it had been predicted that October's CPI might have exceeded 4.4 percent.

Additionally, October’s PPI has risen by 5.0 percent on the level of the same period last year and October’s PPI growth rate is 0.7 percentage points higher than that of the previous month. It has increased by 0.7 percent compared with September.

China's central bank announced yesterday that it would raise the required reserve ratio of financial institutions by 0.5 percentage points.

This is the fourth time the central bank has raised the required reserve ratio this year.

Links and Sources
China Online:
国家统计局:10月份CPI同比上涨4.4% 创年内新高