No. 325, July 23(3)

By English Edition Staff
Published: 2007-07-24

Wild Housing Prices in Wenzhou 

Wenzhou investors have come home to speculate in their own backyards. They often form teams of three to five in order to accumulate more than ten million yuan to target the housing market with, and it is reported that government officials are also involved. According to one senior housing analyst, the speculators have formed tight profit chains with the local government and land developers.

Original article: [Chinese]

A Long Road Ahead for QDII 

QDII has a long way to go. Most investors hold conservative attitude toward QDII, with younger ones making up the greatest portion of buyers. This is because the banks don't provide guarantees for QDII investment, foreign exchange rate risks are hard to avoid, investments cannot be recalled easily, and banks don't have convincing enough data to persuade investors.  

Original article: [Chinese]

Funds Wait on the Edge of the Market 

A-share trade volume has topped off recently as funds hold their breath for signals from policymakers. Large-cap stocks are reporting stable share prices due largely to the fact that big funds have yet to dump their holdings. 

Original article: [Chinese]

The Success of Asian American Coal Inc. 

It's no secret how difficult it is for foreign firms to receive mining rights in China. To succeed where others have failed, AACI has adopted a "Chinese face", dispatching foreign managers to work in china and using local Chinese for negotiations with government. 

Original article: [Chinese]

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