No. 341, Nov 12(3)

By English Edition Staff
Published: 2007-11-12

Wal-Mart's Lay-off Controversy
Corporation, page 25
A recent lay-off wave by US retail giant Wal-Mart in China has triggered complaints from former workers and investigations by the authorities. The lay-off, which Wal-Mart justified as part of the company's need to restructure its global procurement network, has come at a sensitive time with the new Labor Contract Law poised to take effect early next year. Although Wal-Mart has claimed to pay handsome compensations, the sudden sacking without advance notice and reasoning has sparked accusations that multinational companies are firing workers to prepare for the new law, which is deemed to have more stringent requirements concerning lay-offs.
Original article: [Chinese]

Overdraft on Relationships for Owning Property
Property, page 38
Dependency of the younger Chinese generation on their parents' financial support in acquiring property has led to family conflicts and soured relationships. As property prices continue to rise though the generation born in the 1980s has yet to develop sound financial standing, parental support becomes the only option for many young couples yearning to own property. In some cases, such arrangements have led to emotional and economic blackmail from parents.
Original article: [Chinese]

Nobel Winning Economic Theory and its Relevancy to China
Observer, page 41
Mechanism design theory has placed three American economists – Leonid Hurwicz, Eric Maskin, and Roger Myerson – on the Nobel Prize list this year. The theory helps identifying efficient trading mechanism, regulation schemes, and voting procedure. The EO interviews disciples of the Nobel Laureates – Qian Yinyi, Wang Yijiang, Li Daokui, and Chong-En Bai, to find out how the theory is relevant to China's economic development and reform.
Original article: [Chinese]

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