Official Statement from the Economic Observer

By The Economic Observer
Published: 2010-12-10

Statement from the Economic Observer

Over recent days, rumors about high-level editors at the The Economic Observer accepting a payment in relation to the handling of the "Qiu Ziming Case" have been circulating online. In response, The Economic Observer has released the following statement:

1. The Economic Observer has no economic ties with any of the stakeholders involved in the Qiu Ziming case.
2. All the high-level managers at The Economic Observer have already sworn that they did not receive any kickbacks from any party involved in the case. The newspaper also committs itself to punishing any member of our staff that is found to have engaged in illegal activity.
3. The Economic Observer welcomes the public to supervise the activities of the newspaper and all our employees.
4. In relation to those spreading malicious rumors about our newspaper, The Economic Observer reserves the right seek legal redress.

The Economic Observer
Dec 9, 2010

This is a translation of the original statement that was posted to our Chinese website last night.