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Hidden Increase in Bad Loans in Q1
According to statistics released by the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC), commecial banks in China had 433.3 billion in non-performing loans on their books at the end of the first quarter, which is 300 million yuan less than those held at the end of the final quarter of 2010. However, a report released by the People's Bank of China on May 11 indicated that 92.4 billion in financial losse...
Securities Daily | 2011-05-18
Housing Prices Continue to Increase in most Cities
According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) earlier this morning, the price of newly-constructed commercial residential housing rose in 56 cities of the 70 cities surveyed by the statistics bureau in April when compared to prices in March. However, the rate of increase in each of the 56 cities was less than 1%. When compared to prices from a year ago, prices in 52 cities ...
China News Agency | 2011-05-18
Chairman of Sinosteel Removed from Position
According to a source, Huang Tianwen, the President and Deputy Party Secretary of Sinosteel Corporation, has been removed from his postion. An official from the State-Owned Asset Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) was said to have visited Sinosteel on Friday to announce the decision.
Caixin | 2011-05-16
90% of County Level Hospitals Operating at a Loss
Cao Ronggui, head of China's Hospital Association, said at the recently held China Hospital Director's Forum that the cost of medicine at county hospitals had been driven excessively high by the fact that hospitals were relying on income from drug sales to pay back debt. Cao Ronggui said that lack of government funding was one of the main problems facing the development of county-level hospitals a...
The Beijing News | 2011-05-16
Huaxing Group Likely to Become First COE to be Incorporated into Guoxin Asset Ma...
According to an authoritative source at the State-Owned Asset Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC), the first centrally-onwed enterprises to be put under the management of Guoxin Asset Management Company, a new company which was frequently referred to in the local financial press as "CIC No. 2" in the lead-up to its official establishment last year, will be announced over coming days....
Economic Information Daily | 2011-05-16
Restrictions on Nuclear Projects Removed but Entry Requirements Raised
The first stage of the nuclear safety tests, which focused on the three major plants that are already operating, has already concluded and a report is expected before the end of the month. At the recently held 7th International Meeting of China Nuclear Energy, Feng Pinyi, the vice-secretary of the China Nuclear Energy Association, told journalists that China should not revise its goal of achieving...
China Business News | 2011-05-16
Land Made Avaiable for Housing in 2011 Hits New High
The Ministry of Land and Resources yesterday published its plan for the supply of land designated for housing. According to the plan, 218,000 hectares will be set aside for new housing projects this year, which is about twice the amount of land made that was actually made available in each of the past two years. Of the total land made available, 77,400 hectares, or just over 35%, will be dedicated...
China Securities Journal | 2011-05-13
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PetroChina's Refining Losses Said to have Expanded in April
The losses are linked to the Chinese government's decision to limit the rise in domestic fuel prices despite recent increases in the international price of oil.
Source:Economic Observer Online
State Council Holds Talks With Experts on GM Food
The State Council recently requested many well-known Chinese scholars to attend a hastily-arranged conference to discuss the commercialization of GM crops
Source:Economic Observer Online
China's Challenge: Social Disorder
"We are the hungry family around the dinner table, gorging on peanuts and appetizers becau...


Despite an increase in the proportion of male births per 100 female births, China has a more balance...
Translations of popular Chinese phrases that reveal something about 2010


Take a look back at some of the most important news events that helped shape China in 2010
