Three High-level Officials in Shanxi Dismissed for Accepting Bribes
Hongyao Gou Coal Mine (China National Radio)
The Shanxi Discipline Inspection Commission announced at a press conference earlier today that Wang Yanfeng, the former vice mayor of Datong City, Shen Gongyuan, the former director of Datong City's Public Security Bureau, and Gong Anku the former director of the Shanxi Administration of Work Safety and Supervision, have all been dismissed from office and from the Communist Party for alleged corruption.
In early 2008, the family members of deceased miners submitted several reports about undocumented accidents at a mine south of Datong City.
The proprietor of the mine was businessman Li Kewei.
In December 2008, the State Administration of Work Safety and Supervision launched an investigation into the unreported mining accidents.
The investigative team found that from 2002-2004, there were 5 separate accidents at the mine. The accidents caused a total of 13 deaths.
In order to continue operations and avoid legal consequences, Li Kewei bribed several government officials.
In August 2007, Wang Yanfeng, then vice-mayor of Datong City, received 10 million yuan in bribes from Mr. Li. In return, the vice-mayor pushed through policies that allowed Li Kewei to reopen his mine and continue mining operations despite unsafe conditions.
In the second half of 2006, Shen Gongyuan, director of Datong City Public Security Bureau, received 29 million yuan as well as a car worth 830,000 yuan from Li Kewei in return for turning a blind eye to suspected accidents.
Later, in 2009, knowing Li was under investigation by the state, Shen allowed the mine owner to hide from authorities in his son's Beijing home for 3 months.
According to investigative reports, in September 2007, Gong Anku, then director of the Shanxi Province Administration of Work Safety and Supervision, at the request of a third party, signed an ownership-exchange contract to let Li keep his mine. Gong received 100,000 yuan in bribes.
Links and Sources
Xinhua: 因接受私营矿主巨额贿赂 山西三厅级干部被“双开”
China National Radio: 大同数名官员瞒报矿难5年落马 死亡人数仍是谜 (image)
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