Opinion & Analysis

Views from the East: What to Make of the North-South Korea Tension
Chinese commentators respond to the North and South Korean conflict and its possible implications for the world...
Zhang Chao and Rose Scobie | 2010-11-29
Commentary from This Week's Paper
The Local Government Should be Responsible for Zhengzhou's Water Main Explosions, We Should Treat Government Car Reform Like GDP, Delays in Market Reform are the Real Cause of Inflation
EO Editorial Board | 2010-11-25
China Poll: How Important are Grey Skills?
A recent survey found that roughly 70% of Chinese believe that "grey skills" are an important part in one's career life.
Zhang Chao | 2010-11-22
Views From the East: Calls for Accountability in Wake of Shanghai Fire
Chinese commentators have responded to the tragedy with a call for accountability, greater attention to fire and construction safety and reflections on the speed of China's urban development
Ruoji Tang | 2010-11-18
Commentary from This Week's Paper
Commentary from this week's paper: Donations are a Disguise for Tobacco Profiteers, How the General Administration of Customs Serves the People...
EO Editorial Board | 2010-11-18
China Poll: Are Chinese Officials Afraid of the Internet?
According to a survey carried out by the People's Forum Online, People's Daily Online, and Tencent, the answer is overwhelmingly yes.
Ruoji Tang | 2010-11-17
Views from the East: October's CPI Increase
What does the rise in CPI mean for China? We have taken a look at what economists and commentators from the Chinese media have been saying...
Ruoji Tang and Tang Xiangyang | 2010-11-16
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China Reduces Holding of US Bonds
China has reduced holding of US treasury bonds for three months straight.
Source:China News Agency
China to Evacuate Citizens from Japan
China has initiated an evacuation plan for its citizens to leave the hardest hit disaster zones in Japan.
Source:China Internet Information Center
Special Series: Japan Earthquake
The EO correspondents are on the ground, sending in the latest updates on the Japan Earthq...


What Chinese officials think about government transparency.
Translations of popular Chinese phrases that reveal something about 2010


Take a look back at some of the most important news events that helped shape China in 2010
