
Business Requires Greater Transparency and More Certainty from Policy Makers
When making policy decisions that effect a wide range of industries, the government should invite business people to participate in the policy design process. By doing so they can avoid the possibility of the process being marred by any back-door deals.
EO Editorial Board | 2010-02-25
How Will History Judge Copenhagen Talks?
Nearly all the long standing conflicts failed to be resolved at the Copenhagen climate talks.
EO Editorial Board | 2009-12-22
We Implore Them to Make the Right Choice
Today 56 newspapers in 45 countries take the unprecedented step of speaking with one voice through a common editorial.
EO Editorial Board | 2009-12-07
Business Needs Regulatory Certainty
If companies are to act according to the law, they need to understand who the relevant regulatory authority is and they also need to clearly understand every single detail of the regulations that they are required to follow.
EO Editorial Board | 2009-11-08
China's Interests and the Global Order
One sign of a country's peaceful emergence as a global power is that it makes an effort to contribute to the maintanence of that world order.
EO Editorial Board | 2009-10-26
Seeking China's Driving Force
As the PRC celebrates the 60th anniversary of its founding, EO considers what the next 60-year cycle will bring.
Wen Zhao | 2009-10-13
China's Carbon Emission Pledge Will Encourage Economic Restructuring
Although China should insist that each country has shared but different responsibilities, the most effective way of dealing with the challenge is to actively take matters into its own hands.
EO Editorial Board | 2009-09-30
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China's First Privately-owned English Language Television Network
We are private, we did not take a penny from the government.
Source:Economic Observer
Mine Bosses Required to Work with Miners Underground
Leaders of coal mines and non-coal mines will be required to take turns to work with miners underground.
Source:Xinhua News Agency
Economic Observer Exclusive: Interview with Direct...
We ask Pascal Lamy, the Director-General of the WTO, about the recently-released third Tra...


Tracking the global expansion of China's oil companies
